The main components of our food are nutrients, roughage (dietary fibres) and water. Nutrients are the subtances that an organism needs for growth, repair and maintenance of its body. The main neutriants are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Let us now study the components of food, their sources and functions.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. Therefore, they are called energy - giving foods. The two main types of carbohydrates are
(a) sugars (b) starch
(a) Sugars: Sugars are simple carbohydrates found in the form of glucose and fructose. They have a sweet taste. They give instant energy. The main source of of sugar glucose, can sugar (commonly called sugar) and fruits such as banana, papaya, mango and grapes.
(b) Starch: Starch is a complex carbohydrates. It is the reserve food material of plants, i.e., plants store energy in the form of starch. Pure starch is a tasteless and odourless white powder. It provides energy comparatively slower than sugars. The main source of starch are wheat, rice, maize, bajra, potato, and sweet potato.
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Some sources of carbohydrates
• How to test the presence of starch in a given food sample -
Things needed : A raw potato iodine solution and a dropper
Preparation of iodine solution: Add a few drops of iodine to a test tube half-filled with water.
Method : Take a piece of raw potato and put a few drop of iodine solution on its cut surface with the help of a dropper.
Observation : We observe blue-black colour when the iodine drops fall on the cut surface of potato.
Conclusion : Potato cintains starch.
Note : Repeat this activity with various food items like boiled potato, powdered pulses, boiled rice, maize, a slice of bread and record your observation.
Most of the food items contain more than one nutrients. However, in a food item, a particular nutrients may be present in a larger quantity than the other neutriants. For example, rice has more carbohydrates so, it is a carbohydrate-rich food.
Next article will write soon.